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Bat Wing Tarot

Your Existential Companion


Tarot is a tool that can help you to align with your intuition as well as your highest, happiest timeline. My mission as a reader is to provide you with insights that help you to access your super powers.

What I Do

Tarot, Astrology, + Intuitive Readings

My approach to Tarot combines my knowledge of the Major and Minor Arcana with fundamental astrology + intuitive guidance that is channeled through meditation. I offer free collective readings on social media in addition to private personal readings.

My Phylosophy

I believe that the arch-types and images of the Tarot are there to show us hidden subconscious beliefs, repeating patterns, and underlying energies that are operating in our lives. 

My Ethics

I do not do readings concerning health or legal matters. I also do not promote toxic relationship narratives such as twin flame connections. 

7 Card Traditional Spread

Horseshoe Spread

This is a great reading when you have a specific question that needs a clear and direct answer. This spread is shaped like a crescent moon & utilizes the wisdom of lunar energy.

10 card traditional spread

Celtic Cross

This spread dates back to the 17th century and is considered one of the oldest Tarot spreads in history. This spread works well for a specific concern or to get a holistic view of a particular area of your life, for example your career direction or love life.

13 Card Traditional Spread

Horoscope Reading

This Spread is inspired by the 12 houses of the zodiac. Much like reading one’s birth chart, this reading is great for someone seeking insights into their overall character, circumstances, challenges and potential. 

21 Card Traditional Spread

The Year Ahead

In-Depth Forecast

This Spread is an in depth forecast of the energetic themes of the year ahead. It will reveal present and future influences, potential opportunities and obstacles as well as hidden factors. 

10 Card Spread

Relationship Reading

This reading will look at the individual energies of two people as well as past influences, and future potential. 

collective New Moon & Full Moon Readings

Select Your Sign


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“Any reading I’ve had has been spooky accurate and explained clearly with care. Allison takes time to explain the card meanings and how the cards tie together for a full picture or answer. I highly recommend her if you need a little insight”

T.D. San Jose, CA

MaJor Arcana Mix Tapes

Spotify Playlists Inspired The Minor Arcana

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